We are humbled by this enlightened entry. It was (Since 0614) & IS our hope, to inspire other humans to love, to connect, using Thougtbox ideology. The Thougtbox is LIVE; a special, sacred place that Stacey & I created. It IS evolving! It has been since its origination. As one might imagine, it has its own sorted history. Everything from a sweet entry such as this one into this particular notebook inside the box, to having other similar notebooks (And other sacred gifted momentos surrounding the area of the Thougtbox) thrown into the creek aside it. As I have thought, and always said about the Thougtbox - It is a "Social Experiment." 000.1 resides in Rohnert Park. (@38.3505471-122.6867135) We invite YOU - One and ALL to visit Thougtbox 000.1. Get some massive energy chills. Heal... P.S. Where's the H? OM In memorandum... 062216 -X
I wanted to post a blog about our first vending experience right after the event and have included some fun pictures from our supporters. The short story is that it was another marker in both of our lives & I will revisit & share our thoughts about this part of the adventure again soon. However, Brett, myself and our family found out that his sister Kelly had been found dead Saturday morning, so we immediately came to the bay area to be with and assist his parents thru this heartbreaking time. While her fleshly presence will be missed, she is finally at rest & will always be a part of our hearts & always in our memory. Nothing is promised, to any of us. Hug our loved ones more. Speak our heart without fear...we are all craving real. Show by our choices & actions that love leads our heart and just watch as our ripples touch the shores of the sleeping. Life goes on as will we. One Love ~ One Heart ~S Brett & I (leftmindblind) have been visualizing this for quite awHile I'd say, since reconnecting in 2008 to be specific.
It has happened BECAUSE we visualized, constantly talked about, made hard choices and willingly (sometimes UNwillingly) sacrificed for. We are slowly coming from a place of survival into a new chapter of our journey we call THRIVING. Most importantly personally & now with this upcoming event, professionally. We are continually learning to choose becoming a better version of ourselves with each day we are gifted. If there is anything I can say to encourage, it would be to listen, trust then follow your heartsong(s). The melody you will create embraces you from within and inspires an explosion of creation unmatched & more significantly a love that roots deep and never stops growing. ~One Love my fellow beings of light <3 ~S __________________________________________________________________ [The info below is from our first *LMB Pulse 0000.1*] LMB has 'Officially' docked into the world of "The Vendor" We would like to invite you all to come enjoy a 'Party in the Park' this Friday 17 June 2016, from 5-10:30pm in Auburn, CA. The link(s) below contain the pertinent info if you wish to join us: http://auburnrec.com/images/pdfs/PartyinthePark_Poster.pdf http://www.partyinthepark.net/ There will be Reggae music, food vendors, arts & crafts, loads of chill and of course Us AND our ART! We will continue to keep up to date with our vending adventures via email - LMB Pulse. You of course may opt out now or at any time as you wish. Brett and I want to Thank all of you for your support and encouragement given. We have become a tapestry of the energy and love received along this epic life-changing journey of ours. And so, the adventure continues... ~One Love LMB ~Stacey & Brett Feeling grateful and open to the flow.
I made it home safe and am taking the day to restore some energy & reflect on my lessons of the last three days. It all happened because of the simple act(s) of giving AND receiving, which seem to me included in the many aspects of love. Thank you for sharing the Love <3 ~S Thanks to the kindness & amazing generosity of Sing & Joellen as well as all the positive vibes from the rest of you, Enuf & I are mobile again!
Sing gifted me an alternator, his time and his expertise, while Jo swooped in & closed the chapter with a flair all her own. I am grateful to them both. One of the blessing(s) of this 'delay' is that my boys and I have been able to spend more time together & for that, there are no words, only love <3 Thank you ~S Sing just 'happened' to have an alternator for Enuf & came back this morning before his work to try & put it in for me. Apparently his son failed to return a couple of tools that would've made it easier for him to install, lol :) and he ended up running out of time. It is Mostly in at this point. I told him he is now a part of my story & that I am eternally grateful for his kindness. He said that it wasn't anything, that we should help each other when we can :') <3 I don't have much money on me, enough for gas to make it home is all (if she gets all the way fixed that is) but when I offered it to him, even insisted, he refused. So, although Sing offered to come back after his all day shift with UPS, I would like to see if I can make it work before then. If anyone has the tools & willingness to continue installing this gifted alternator, I would be truly grateful and willing to pay what I have which is $40 If not, the sunflowers may have more lessons to share ;) Stay human my fellow beings of light :) ~One love... ~S Lessons of the Sunflower(s): Not a bad view where Enuf & I were towed! :) I met Sing, a UPS driver here at the Burger King (WiFi access off El Camino in South Natomas (West Sacramento)earlier this evening & he just so happens to have worked with Toyota for 10 years, synchronicity much? Maybe he'll come, maybe not. One of the lessons I've learned so far this day, is allowing the flow to actually flow. That when I do my best within any challenge, I can release to this flow & it holds me tenderly along its wave and wake. Rollin with it in Sactown :) ~One love... |