Lessons of the Sunflower(s): Not a bad view where Enuf & I were towed! :) I met Sing, a UPS driver here at the Burger King (WiFi access off El Camino in South Natomas (West Sacramento)earlier this evening & he just so happens to have worked with Toyota for 10 years, synchronicity much? Maybe he'll come, maybe not. One of the lessons I've learned so far this day, is allowing the flow to actually flow. That when I do my best within any challenge, I can release to this flow & it holds me tenderly along its wave and wake. Rollin with it in Sactown :) ~One love...
B and I set up at Old Town Sac again yesterday to create and to be inspired. Said inspiration came in the form of this sweet man, Arturo. He saw me from the boardwalk & as soon as I gazed back at him in the same manner as he was gazing at me, with his hand rounded into a periscope & held against his eye, I knew some kind of magic was happening ;) He came over & we started chatting it up about art, music & of course life. He is an amazingly talented artist & I was honored to be able to look thru some of his illustrations in his journal. He came over to meet B as well & once they started talking music he lit up even more! He picked up B's guitar and started playing. "It's been awhile" he said, but there was no denying he needed to never stop playing again & we both told him so. Although we didn't make any money yesterday, I know we came away from our experience richer for having been inspired and most of all, able TO inspire. It was a good day ~One love... ~LMB So much has happened since last I wrote & I honestly don't know how to begin, so I will just start here. Love. It began with Love. The kind of love I feel we all have intrinsicly laced throughout our DNA. A love that gets bogged down by insecurities, supposed injustice to ourselves, too many other voices drowning out our own unique one, ect. So I stopped. Thru no preconceived plan or purpose other than to be still for just a minute & truly try to understand how I fit, how WE fit. That's where I got on the ride...and ooooooh what a ride it has been. Short story: We (leftmindblind) started designing & making jewelry this year and went to share our pieces in Nevada City during Mardi Gras on Valentine's weekend. My beautiful sister Jodie accompinied Brett & I up there on Saturday, which has a whole story unto itself. We awoke to a sunny Sunday morning and parked Enuf near Wolf Creek in the public parking lot off of Broad St. I stepped outside to breathe in the mountain air and promptly met Nicolas, who had just pulled into the parking space next to us. I said 'Good Morning' as did he & conversation began to naturally flow from there. We shared some stories with one of his being about the Monks that come to the area every February to pray & bless the water (I'm sure there may be more to it, but that was what I needed to hear at the time). They had been there the day before and had made a sand mandala. Nicolas had a little of the sand from it in a baggie when he asked us to join him at the creek, then asked if we would be okay with him sharing a blessing/prayer for/with us. We of course agreed. He proceeded to pour some of the sand into the creek & we all shared a profound moment(s) of energy & love that set the tone for the rest of our day. It was an amazing start to all of our day, and that was just the beginning. It has became another marker in this, my life of lessons. There is more...so much more, and I want to share the love. I hope we find connection thru our stories, to ourselves & to each other. I will continue the telling as I am able, but I figured the best way was just to start. The journey continues... ~One Love Stacey So we have been meeting the most wonderful humans on this journey of ours.
This article I'm sharing below was written by our new friend, Mike who we met at the Toyota RV Rally we worked in Quartzite, Arizona recently. Mike travels around with his buff yet sweet dog Clem (he has the BEST smile). I fell in love with Clem right away of course, heck, let's be honest, I fell in love with both of them right away! Mike is an incredible teacher, a writer, an excellent storyteller, the life of the party and an all around genuine human being. I feel very honored to have met him & I look forward to learning more from him as we all move through this continually surprising journey we call life. When you choose to look at and tap into everyone & everything as having lessons to offer you. Your heart will open further than you thought possible and then love takes over and spills into every corner of your life. Magic... It is my favorite lesson learned to date and I am thankful to everyone that helped me to see it as such. Thank you for sharing YOU Mike <3 ~One love... ------------------------- On Feb 7, 2015 11:31 AM, "Mike Walker" <[email protected]> wrote: [I have so many adventures to tell you about now that i have my energy back, and they just keep coming. So where to start? Let's start at the one I had almost finished before I got sick: "An Introduction to Stacey & Brett." Tika hired them to do the heavy lifting at the Toyota Rally. They camp a lot out of their Toyota pickup equipped with two-person igloo tent, stove, lantern, ice chest. Real camping.] Stacey. Early Friday morning (16 Jan), I walked down the road going I don’t know where, past Tika’s RV parked horizontally in the vertical circle we’d made with our 31 Toyota Motor Homes, past George and Mary’s rig, past Dan’s rig where his Irish Wolf Hound pranced in his ten foot circle of high, free-standing wire fence. I was about to turn the corner toward the little wooden bridge when I first saw Stacey. She had recently stepped out of the two-person igloo tent beside her dressed in jeans with the cuffs rolled up wide at the bottom and a tee shirt or maybe a sweat shirt, I’m not sure. I didn’t notice her clothes right then because I was struck by the light shining from her head -- some trick of the just rising sun perhaps.. Stacey’s head is round with a darkish blond mane of straight hair and uncombed curls; there’s a beautiful face with wide-spread eyes and lips and a mouth that were made to smile generously. Which is what she was doing at me, smiling generously. “Nice morning,” I said, or something just as useless. We had talked for a few minutes, I happy in her presence, when the sides of the tent behind her started convulsing. “Big dog,” I guessed silently. Oh, that’s my husband,” Stacey said. She and I talked a couple of minutes longer before I turned for home. That’s when I noticed Stacey’s shiny black bike leaning on a tree. It was a new beach bike; you know, “An American bike.” What struck me was the word "Shameless" in bold, white letters on the top tube. “Funny name for a bike model,” I thought, and now, with something substantial to say, I turned back to Stacey. “You may find this strange, but your bike has the same name as my favorite television show.” “The bike is from your favorite television show,” she said. “Our friend works there – craft services, and they gave these out to the crew at the end of filming this season. We borrowed it for the Rally.” It’s what Mike Mayo and I used to call “Coincidence.” So, with a silent “There you go,” I went on with my day. Later in the morning, I was standing with George Mager talking about something we both cared about when I saw Stacey walking towards us from afar. I forgot what I was saying mid-sentence. I tried to get it back for a few seconds, realized I was with a friend, and just told the truth. “God, it’s great to see a beautiful woman walking towards us. I forgot what I was saying.” “Yeah,” said George, who hadn’t noticed Stacey coming, but even so couldn’t remember what I was saying either. Stacey smiled at both of us at once, and she and I nodded recognition as she passed by on her way back home. Brett. About noon, when Clem and I pulled out of line to go get propane, I saw Stacey’s husband standing alone beside their tent. I slowed, rolled down the window, and called out, “Hi Stacey’s Husband! My name is Mike!" “I’m Brett,” he said. “We’ll talk later,” I said, and did we ever! Love, Mike ------------------------- You know the saying "Life is about the journey, not the destination"? Well I've always believed that, but had been living my life in opposition to its essential meaning up to that moment in time. I felt like a hypocrite a fraud, a fake. When did I 'figure it out'? What was there to figure out? I asked myself...and then I just started to live. I was 36 years old & I was done.
I had had enough of my sadness and melancholy to last 20 lifetimes. So I decided to embrace the journey right then and there. It was a weekend without my boys and I chose to confront everything I thought may have been making me feel the way I did, and I did it all from my bed. I put each item each thought, if you will, before me in physical form at the foot of my bed. Then I shared my memories, my tears and laughter with each of them out loud. Then I forgave. After that, I literally threw them each out my 3rd story window, and the embracing of a new life landscape started to revel itself. I felt lighter & more at peace in that moment than at any other time in my life up to that point. It didn't last of course, because growth is painful and I had 36 years of conditioned behaviour to learn from. But grow I did. I finally had realized what the word CHOICE meant to me. ...and then my wings began to unfurl You know what!? I LOVE riding my bike! I've noticed a calmness comes over me as I push my pedals to the rhythm of the wind passing over my skin. I focus in on birdsongs, the chatter of squirrels, the light thru the trees, the pulse and flow of the space around me. All that I see, all that I feel when riding my bike, deepen & grow within my heart the connection I feel with nature, myself and my fellow humans. Seems pretty impressive for such a simple activity, right!? If you have access to one, I highly recommend you get your butt on it today & explore a little bit of your current community! Go on, ride on! You won't regret it! ...unless you fall of course ;) ~One love... Ultimatum:
1.a final, uncompromising demand or set of terms issued by a party to a dispute, the rejection of which may lead to a severance of relations or to the use of force. 2.a final proposal or statement of conditions. I don't believe I've ever given one, but I sure have been on the receiving end. My lesson(s) this time? Find what you love to do, what you're good at & when you reach that space in your mind & heart, don't be afraid to follow where that love takes you. In some cases (mine), doing wHat you love WITH the one you love, is an added bonus <3 Some may not understand right now and that's okay. If we continue to stand by what we know to be the right choice(s) for us, then we let the actions of our life be our voice.
Brett & I are always looking for opportunities to keep us working together. Of course like the ebb & flow of life, they come in clusters or they hide behind a bush, as is currently the case.
So, we are updating our work portfolio & all of our collective contact(s)info on our webpage, in order to let you all know that we are available to help you in any way that we can! We are gonna do this. ~One love... Just a short one today. About to go on a bike ride :)
Brett & I recently returned back to the Bay Area from two weeks of living life! So many experiences, so many paths crossed. I shall be posting pictures, some with explanations, soon. So stay tuned! ~One love my fellow humanoids... |